Step 1.​
Secure a priority number and/or registration form at the designated tables (make sure to fill-in all necessary data e.g. name, date of birth, contact number, modality of learning)
Prepare a long brown long envelope containing the following:
- Photocopy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate (new students only)
- Report Card/Form 138
- Certificate of Good Moral Character (transferees only)
- ECD Check-list (for Grade 1 transferees only)
Step 2.​
Proceed to the designated waiting area and wait for your turn to be accommodated
Present your long brown envelope containing the accomplished enrollment form and other pertinent documents to the cashier/registrar’s office for checking.
Step 3.​
Pay the required minimum registration fee
Step 1. Your first step is to fill out our registration form. The Enrollment Form will get you set up in our system and get your admission process started. ​
*Make sure to submit a craft/brown long envelope containing the following:
Enrollment form
Photocopy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate Report Card/Form 138
Certificate of Good Moral
STEP 2: Pay the registration fee at the cashier’s office.